Meet the team!

The project employs a team of student volunteers who began developing the aircraft as part of their degrees. Six team members then ground-tested critical subsystems for their master's projects. Manufacture of the Kingfisher aircraft started in the summer of 2024, and the team recently flew a 60% scale electric prototype, geometrically accurate to the Kingfisher's design.
Dan Sykes
Project Lead and Founder
Systems Engineer, Mechanical Design, and Video Production
Dan graduated with an MEng in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Bath. In industry he has worked as a Future Systems Engineer and GCN Engineer at a large aerospace firm. This has included developing several novel airframe designs from initial concept to flight trial. On The Mach Initiative, Dan manages the team and its engagement with partners and sponsors. Additionally, he leads the systems engineering and mechanical design. For his master's project, he investigated the aerodynamics of the Kingfisher's delta wing and its elevon controls in the large wind tunnel at the University of Bath.
Max Jones
Aerodynamicist and Founder
Marketing and Video Production
Max recently graduated in aerospace engineering at the University of Bath. Following a software development internship at Siemens DISW, he's honed a keen interest in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). This passion led him to spearhead a unique co-simulation project during his internship. Max has since applied his CFD expertise in both commercial and academic consultancy roles.
Josh Martin
Stability and Control Engineer
Regulations and Logistics
Josh recently completed a year-long placement at Callen-Lenz. He worked in the software and systems engineering departments, alongside three deployments with the flight trials team. Josh designed parts through the entire production cycle from design, manufacture and fitting for drones as well as designing real-time attitude visualisation tools and foreign function interfaces for the autopilot. He also completed tests and evaluations using hardware in the loop alongside flight tests.
Tim Li
Structures Engineer
Video Production

Tim is returning from his placements at Cummins Turbo Technologies and Safran. During his first placement, he delved into the manufacturability challenges of turbos and how turbo performance was affected by geometric tolerances of different components so that a specification could be created.
Thomas Gilmour
Propulsion & Performance Engineer

Tom recently completed his placement at Saietta where he worked on computational and mathematical modelling. With a keen interest in aviation, Tom is excited to apply his skills to the engineering testing and performance modelling.
Oliver Thomassen
Thermal Management & Simulation Engineer
Oliver is an aerospace engineering graduate. He has completed work experience placements at both Alpine F1 team and GKN Aerospace focusing on validation testing and additive manufacturing. He is keen to develop a further understanding of the thermal management required for the Kingfisher.
Isaac Lopez
Avionics and Flight Software Engineer

Isaac is a mechanical and electrical engineering graduate from the University of Bath. He has completed summer and year-long placements working on orbital launch vehicles at Rocket Factory Augsburg and Orbex. Through these experiences, Isaac has designed flight software for safety-critical, real-time embedded systems. He has also gained extensive experience with hardware in the loop testbeds for software, control systems and hardware validation.
Chris Szabo
High-Speed Test Pilot

Anthony Haycock
Low-speed Flight Prototype

Anthony is a 3rd year aerospace engineering student at the University of Bath. With an interest in design, he has developed CAD skills in Fusion360 and Inventor Professional, with projects including the design of a foam RC model plane and a power transmission shaft. Following this, he is keen to learn more about design systems engineering and design methodologies.
George King
Structures & Simulation Engineer

George has a background in design and structural analysis, with software experience from an internship at Callen-Lenz, working on UAV code. Additionally, he has design experience from a year-long internship at 3P Innovation, a pharmaceutical machine engineering company. In his final year, he is applying Neural Nets to a multiscale FE simulation, to help understand the design requirements of the Kingfisher.
Romesh Thayalan
Former Propulsion Engineer

Romesh completed a placement as an aerodynamicist on the front end at Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team. He analysed and developed the flowfield of the car using CFD and conducting wind tunnel tests, with designs progressing to the track. He also created tools to track and predict trends to follow for aerodynamic development.
Jamie Bradshaw
Former System Validation and Testing Engineer
Jamie completed a placement as an Aerodynamicist at the Aston Martin Formula One team, developing aerodynamic concepts and shapes to improve the car’s performance. Through his placement, he developed several new concepts and gained experience in wind tunnel operations and CFD analysis.

Technical Advisors

Carl Sangan
Academic Supervisor
Professor of Sustainable Propulsion & Power
at the University of Bath
Alex Mesny
Aerodynamics Advisor
Post Doc Researcher in Turbomachinery & Wind Tunnel Testing.
George Smith
Manufacturing Advisor
PHD Research Student University of Bath Ι Team Bath Drones
James Burge
Propulsion Testing Advisor
Technical Supervisor for Automotive Engineering & Testing
With huge thanks to Allison Gundrum, Joe Cox and Jake Compton for their work on the Supersonic Concept.